Why should I use lottery software to analyze and process lotteries? Needless to say, lottery results are random, but opening lottery analysis software you will find an interesting fact. For example, with "odd, even" you will see that lottery draw results rarely contain all odd numbers or all even numbers. This means that picking a lottery entry like 1, 3, 5, 11, 21, 31 would be a poor choice because it almost never comes up. A mix of odd and even numbers that are roughly equal is best. Similar observations can be made by analyzing high/low numbers, prime numbers, hot/cold numbers, and consecutive numbers. Nothing meaningful can be discovered by analyzing the results of one, two or 10. To discover a trend, you need a minimum of 30-100 lottery results. If you analyze 100,000 or more lottery results, you will find that the numbers are distributed very evenly. Lottery results are random and meaningless. But there are hot numbers and cold numbers within a certain number of perio...
SamLotto lottery software works with over 220 lotto lotteries from 62 countries. Being a universal software.